Pupils who are absent on the first day of any term or stay away from school without the permission of the Principal or a valid reason are likely to have their names removed from the school register. Readmission will only be considered if there is a vacancy and on payment of the admission fees. In all cases of leave of absence prior permission should be obtained except in case of unforeseen circumstances for which an authenticated reason should be furnished by the parents or the guardian. Granting of leave however is entirely up to the discretion of the Principal.
Pupils absent from an examination will be considered as having failed unless it is established that the absence was due to illness. No pupil is permitted to engage any of the school teachers as private tutors without the written sanction of the school principal.
A student returning to school after an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to attend school. A child suffering from the same shall not be permitted to attend school till he is absolutely well.
Answer books of the annual exams will not be shown or revalued. Marks can be re-totalled on special request accompanied by a fee.
Every student has to carry the school diary with him/her to school daily.
The school fees/dues should be deposited by the 10th of every month. If the payment is not made in time a fine of Rs 5/- per day will be charged. The name of the defaulter can also be struck off from the school roll. The school and computer fees are annual and are divided into equal parts to facilitate payment.
Students should arrive ten minutes before the scheduled time. Students arriving after assembly will be sent back.
All the students should be clean and neatly dressed. Daily inspection of nails and hair will be taken. The prescribed uniform is to be worn on all school days and at all school functions.
A student who is not properly dressed will not be allowed to attend classes.
Students should behave in a refined manner wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should always greet their teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice whenever they meet them in school or outside.
Care must be taken of school property. The students must not scratch or spoil the school furniture or deface the walls or in any way damage what belongs to others. Damage done or noticed should be reported at once. Severe action will be taken against pupils not adhering to this rule. The cost of repair or replacement will be charged to the parents.
The school is also not responsible for valuables or money lost. The students are not advised to wear jewellery, expensive watches or bring money with them.
Students are not allowed to bring their friends/relatives to school functions without a written invitation or permission from the school authorities.
As regular attendance is very important for successful work no leave is granted except for serious reasons. All students are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after each vacation. Students who are absent will be fined Rs 50/- for each day and Rs100/- if absent during national festivals like 15th Aug & 26th Jan.
Absence of pupil from class social functions, tours etc. Are not recommended because it retards the child’s progress in studies.
For violating school discipline rules, students will be penalized by one or more minor disciplinary measure. Persistent misconduct will lead to major action.
Minor punishment can be cleaning school campus, classrooms and corridors, writing lines or leaning passages by heart. All action of misconduct will be recorded.
Major punishment will be a conference with parents and/ or official warning leading to suspension or expulsion from school.
The Management of the school reserves the right to add/ alter/ abridge or cancel at any time any of the rules laid down in this prospectus at their discretion and which shall be binding on parents/ guardians.
It is presumed that all parents/ guardians have read and accepted the contents of this prospectus before admitting their wards in the school.